
Edge-Intel Consulting startup is developing a cloud based Desktop as a Service (DaaS) Platform called EDesk. This subscription service, extends the life span of personal computers, therefore, contributing to significant e-waste and recycling reductions. We helping European business to fully engage with the EU Directive 2012/19/EU.

We also offer U-Talk, a whistleblower solution, cloud based, that allow companies to comply with EU 2019/1937 directive and Law 93/2021 in Portugal.

We help business to fully embrace the digital transition, providing open source and cloud solutions tailored to their needs.

EDesk, de-materialized and green remote PCs

Edge-Intel Consulting targets two main sectors, Small and Medium Business (SMBs) and Education. We offer Windows and Linux persistent and non persistent cloud based Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solutions with customized and secured images.

We aim to double the life span of personal computers, thus we expect that, the impact of such technology will reduce the respective (e-waste) by half. The de-materialization of personal computers and economic and social sustainability are upward trends as mobile and land based networks provide us with increasing bandwidths and speeds. Our solution approach to the personal computer market, will help business and end users to improve security, mobility, fast and dynamic PC provision and increased sustainability.

UTalk, Whistleblower Protection Cloud Solution

We provide, a cloud based whistle blower protection solution based on the open source Globaleaks project, compliant with (EU) 2019/1937 directive and GDPR. UTalk, is offered on a subscription basis (Software as a Service), which means, fast and easy to deploy and configure. On top, we offer compelling cloud native services like backups and security technology and providing application training and support in Portuguese.

U_Talk, provides European business, within the scope of EU 2019/1937 directive and Law 93/2021 (Portugal), to easily and efficiently deploy a compliant solution for such requirement.

Choose the right solution for your needs


up to 100 workers


Monthly fee excl. VAT, billed annually

  • Shared Server
  • Multi Enterprise Application
  • 2 Recipient & 1 Channel
  • Anonimato (TOR)
  • Email support
  • Training (2)
  • Monthly backups


Best buy


Monthly fee excl. VAT, billed annually

Standard +

  • Dedicated Application
  • 4 Recipients & 2 Channels
  • Priority e-mail support
  • High security mail server
  • Custom forms
  • Attachments
  • Training (4)
  • Weekly backups


up to 250 workers


Monthly fee excl. VAT, billed annually

Business +

  • Dedicated Instance
  • 8 Recipients & 4 Channels
  • Web Application Firewall
  • Secure DNS
  • Account Manager
  • Training (8)
  • Multi Language
  • Legal Support*
  1. * Third party, legal user allowed
  2. * For organizations above 250 users, contact us to get a quote.

See how UTalk Works


A motivated and creative team with a special interest for environment and business sustainability

Academic background

We come from sectors like education, technology, project management (PMI) and cyber security. We hold post-grads and industry specific certifications in these key areas.

Professional Experience

Multidisciplinary team. From Military backgrounds, or global ICT Consultancy firms to teach creativity and arts to young children, we are passionate and committed to excel in what we do.

Environment Sustainability

Strong support for circular economy and Sustainability. De-materialization of personal computers is a key factor for e-waste (EEE) reduction and sustainable environment. Our Edge-Desk changes how we interact with computer technology.

Other stuff we love…

We love Open Source. We like to test other things and cross use technology. So we often look into Non Indexed Services (aka, dark web), CyberSec (open-source), Pen Testing, Recon and Vulnerability analysis, I2P, and IPFS.

João Hilário

Founder, CEO


Ana Ribeiro

Founder, Marketing

Sérgio Ribeiro

Chief Operating Officer

foto RC

Rodrigo Courela

Chief eXperience Officer

Drop us a message for more info


Get in touch

If you have any questions or interest in our products, please contact us.


Alcabideche, Portugal

Contact form
