See UTalk in action

What is UTalk?

U_Talk is an Edge-Intel development cloud solution based on Globaleaks whistleblower project.

Do I need UTalk solution for my business?

If your business operates in Europe and has more than 50 employees, chances are that you need to implement such a solutions. (EU) 2019/1937 directive and Law 93/2021 (Portugal), enforces such compliance. High financial penalties are applied for non-compliant business conduct.

How long and what do I need to do to get UTalk solution?

Generally speaking, edge-intel needs an e-mail and name (to act as a recipient), a channel name and description for submissions and that’s it! … Usually 24h later, we give you back the configured application link that you need to display on your business site.

Can I see an example?

Yes. You just need to provide us with the following data:

Company info: and logo

Recipient name and e-mail: recipient_1 |

Channel name and description: Assédio Moral | channel description.

Submit a complaint

Submission dashboard link

Save the 16 digit code, to followup on your submission

Action: fill the form and submit

Manage complaints

Management Dashboard link

Request a User and Password: link

Action: Reply to complaint and logout.

Access complaint process

Submission dashboard link

Use the 16 digit code to login to dashboard.

Action: Interact anonymously with recipient